“THE BIG 10 GIVEAWAY” starting Monday, August 10th. ProShots will have a large box by the door for each customer leaving the store to put their name and phone number in. On Tuesday, September 1st, the team will draw out 6 names and contact the winners to let them know what their prize is and schedule a time for pick up. Then ProShots will get a list of our members together in a hat and draw out 4 names. These winners will also be contacted to let them know their prize and schedule a date for pick up.
“10 ROUNDS FOR 10 YEARS CHALLENGE” will be held on September 1st throughout the day. During this challenge, each contestant will shoot 10 rounds at 15 yards (handgun, .380 caliber or above, and regular 3 dot sights) with an instructor and the contestant with the tightest group after shooting 10 rounds will win their prize. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be awarded.
“THE HIDDEN 10” will be held on September 1st throughout the day. All customers will shop just like a normal day; however, we will have 10 items throughout the store for free and only the employees will know which ones they are. If you are interested in purchasing one of the items and bring them to the register we will inform you that you have selected one of “THE HIDDEN 10” and will receive the item for free. Each item will only be free one time so you better get it first!