Home > News > Men’s League Results 7/1/14

Between the beach and camping, our guys are still finding time to get to the range and compete.  Congratulations to Richard who’s score jumped 165 pts in one week.

Morning League Tar 1 Tar 2 7/1/14 TTL 5 Week Total
Tabor, Steve 175 182 357 1953
Mann, Al 171 143 314 1727
Tabor, Nathan 230 212 442 1526
Hippie 170 139 309 1189
Koivisto, John 151 64 215 1188
Renna, Al 160 147 307 1176
Batchleor, Neil 0 0 0 1027



Evening League Tar 1 Tar 2 7/1/14 TTL 5 Week Total
Metzger, Eldon 160 196 356 1905
Walsh, Michael 140 205 345 1764
Britt, James 160 133 293 1515
Eads, Warren 155 110 265 1495
Burke, Dennie 0 0 0 1207
Haley, Joey 0 0 0 1205
Irishman 175 190 365 1196
Hippie 171 144 315 1178
Dickson, Craig 0 0 0 795
Courtney, Jeff 175 167 342 757
Richard 185 192 377 589
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