Home > News > Men’s League Results 7/8/14

Highest 2-Target score so far goes to Craig Dickson @501!!!  Problem is he was using Pops’ Colt 1911 so I think we’ll take a vote and give Pops’ his share of the points:)

Morning League Tar 1 Tar 2 7/8/14 TTL 6 Week Total
Tabor, Steve 215 178 393 2346
Tabor, Nathan 180 190 370 2229
Mann, Al 165 152 317 2044
Renna, Al 196 157 353 1529
Hippie 170 146 316 1505
Koivisto, John 138 98 236 1424
Batchleor, Neil 0 0 0 1027


Evening League Tar 1 Tar 2 7/8/14 TTL 6 Week Total
Metzger, Eldon 215 186 401 2306
Walsh, Michael 175 137 312 2076
Britt, James 180 151 331 1846
Eads, Warren 160 170 330 1825
Haley, Joey 170 182 352 1557
Hippie 155 103 258 1436
Dickson, Craig 280 221 501 1296
Burke, Dennie 0 0 0 1207
Irishman 0 0 0 1196
Courtney, Jeff 185 162 347 1104
Creed, Richard 185 178 363 952
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