Home > News > League Results 5/17/16

One week left!

It looks like the Howell siblings are both in the top 5 but there is only a 70 point difference between 3rd, 4th, and 5th place so it is still anyone’s game.  Next week will be very interesting to see how the scores settle in.  If you have make up days you only have next week, so be sure to get here a bit early!

Place Shooter 4/6 Score 4/12 Score 4/19 Score 4/26 Score 5/3 Score 5/10 Score Tar 1 Tar 2 5/17 Score Total Score
1 Jenna Howell 480 480 420 480 490 490 250 190 440 3280
2 Richard Morgan 420 465 380 450 410 440 235 240 475 3040
3 Garrett Howell 405 415 440 410 420 420 240 210 450 2960
4 Kim Petticord 365 360 435 425 420 420 250 200 450 2875
5 James H 400 395 315 470 365 455 240 210 450 2850
6 Paul Boone 385 385 375 390 425 415 220 210 430 2805
7 Irishman .45 325 365 360 415 390 400 200 190 390 2645
8 Pops 310 255 350 320 430 290 200 150 350 2305
9 Matt Brown 385 430 335 410 365 0 0 1925
10 Joey Haley 220 185 240 300 255 240 185 120 305 1745
11 John Koivisto 145 250 225 260 285 270 165 80 245 1680
12 Beckman 415 420 390 400 0 0 0 1625
13 Rob Woodcock 310 300 200 405 395 0 0 1610
14 Cody 380 395 400 420 0 0 0 1595
15 BJ 310 320 310 0 330 0 0 1270
16 Liz Morgan 300 320 370 0 0 0 0 990
17 Josh Wilson 0 0 450 0 0 0 0 450
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