Home > News > League Results – Week 3

Wow…..is all I can think to write!  Kathy shot our first perfect 2-target score of the season….AND they’re shooting from a holster.  Others have been close and missed by a shot or two but Kathy was in the zone this week.  Dave, Ben, Al and James are within 5 shots of the lead, so things could get interesting.  As you can tell, some of our shooters have a make-up to shoot as they are able.  We look forward to hanging out with our league shooters each week!

  Week 3  
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total 3 Week Total
Kathy S 250 250 500 1380
Dave V 200 240 440 1350
Ben R 190 250 440 1340
Al R 210 250 460 1330
James S 210 250 460 1330
Grace R 160 240 400 1250
Bruce B 200 240 440 1250
Randy M 180 220 400 1200
Jim O 160 240 400 1200
Paul B 160 230 390 1170
Jill R 140 220 360 1130
Heather 190 190 380 1060
Tim S     0 890
Kit Kat     0 870
Clark T     0 850
Irishman     0 660
Cathy S     0 640
Cody 250 250 500 500
Vince R     0 490
Gary 130 130 260 260
Diane J 50 60 110 230
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