Home > News > League Results – Week 4

With week 4 behind us, we are at the halfway mark and watching the proficiency continue to improve.  James joins Marc, Vince, and Jim with only the 4th perfect 2-target score thus far.  This is quite an accomplishment with the level of difficulty this season.  Ben was the only participant this week to shoot under the time limit on target 2.  He burned up target 1 as well, shooting from the hip faster and with a defensive mindset.

  Week 4  
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total 4 Week Total
Marc 250 240 490 1970
Vince 250 240 490 1960
James 250 250 500 1950
Tim 248 250 498 1932
Jim 250 240 490 1910
Bill 250 240 490 1900
Ben 188 240 428 1894
Al R 246 210 456 1864
Grace 244 220 464 1834
Char 240 230 470 1814
Kat 240 240 480 1802
Aaron 250 230 480 1796
Pops 248 190 438 1764
Trevor 242 180 422 1670
Andy 240 180 420 1594
Cathy 232 200 432 1574
Jill 198 170 368 1556
Jon 248 140 388 1538
Joey 240 160 400 1486
Paul 0 0 0 1408
Bruce 0 0 0 1376
Kathryn 0 0 0 1160
Clark T 0 0 0 968
Al M 0 0 0 886
Charlie 0 0 0 460
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