Home > News > Fall League Results – Week 6

Can you believe that Hippie has not been hearing the RSO commands for the last 6 weeks and giving up 3 shots each time?  Oh well, better late than never!  David, our RSO, asked Hippie why he wasn’t shooting that bottom ring and he replied that he didn’t know he was supposed to….haha.  Al R, Bill, Vince, Marc, and James sure knew!!!! They all shot perfect 2 target scores this week.  Congratulations to all for another fun week.  2 weeks to go!!!!!


  Week 6  
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total 6 Week Total
Bill 1330 250 1580 9430
Vince 1330 250 1580 9390
Marc 1330 250 1580 9380
James 1330 250 1580 9220
Al R 1330 250 1580 8760
Ben 1220 200 1420 8730
Cody 1240 230 1470 8560
Clark 1140 230 1370 8360
Andy 1200 250 1450 8210
Al M 890 250 1140 8170
Bruce 1330 210 1540 8090
David 1110 250 1360 7940
Ray 1060 240 1300 7860
Tim 0 0 0 7610
Hippie 1060 230 1290 7530
Aaron 0 0 0 7460
Grace 1150 230 1380 7460
Char 1240 230 1470 7450
Jim 0 0 0 7330
John 1090 200 1290 7060
Trevor 0 0 0 6760
Joey 1020 170 1190 6420
Cathy 0 0 0 5700
Paul 0 0 0 4320
Jon 0 0 0 4010
Richard 0 0 0 3510
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