Home > News > Fall League Results – Week 7

Those shooters in the top spots can NOT miss one shot. It has been neck and neck for 7 weeks of pressure.  

Now that Hippie knows what to shoot, he shot a perfect #2 target this week!

Cathy shot her personal best with a high 2 Target score this week.  

One week left – come have a blast and give it your best shot!  We will be celebrating with refreshments after the shoot next week.  


  Week 6 Week 7  
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total Target 1 Target 2 Total 7 Week Total
Bill 1330 250 1580 1330 250 1580 11010
Vince 1330 250 1580 1330 250 1580 10970
Marc 1330 250 1580 1330 250 1580 10960
Tim 1240 250 1490 1310 250 1560 10660
James 1330 250 1580 1060 250 1310 10530
Jim 1320 250 1570 1330 250 1580 10480
Aaron 1240 250 1490 1220 220 1440 10390
Al R 1330 250 1580 1270 240 1510 10270
Clark 1140 230 1370 1200 230 1430 9790
Andy 1200 250 1450 1260 230 1490 9700
Trevor 1230 220 1450 1170 230 1400 9610
Al M 890 250 1140 1180 240 1420 9590
David 1110 250 1360 1330 250 1580 9520
Bruce 1330 210 1540 1030 220 1250 9340
Ray 1060 240 1300 1200 240 1440 9300
Char 1240 230 1470 1060 250 1310 8760
Ben 1220 200 1420 0 0 0 8730
Hippie 1060 230 1290 940 250 1190 8720
Grace 1150 230 1380 1000 240 1240 8700
Cody 1240 230 1470 0 0 0 8560
John 1090 200 1290 950 130 1080 8140
Joey 1020 170 1190 1000 210 1210 7630
Cathy 0 0 0 1050 230 1280 6980
Jon 1280 230 1510 1200 240 1440 6960
Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 5860
Richard 0 0 0 0 0 0 3510
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