Home > News > League Results – Week 3

After 3 weeks, Marc & Vince are still tied for First Place with perfect scores. To put it in perspective, incredibly, that’s 150 shots without missing!

Cathy improved her score by 60 points this week and Jill is leading the ladies.

We were relieved to see Joey back; we knew he was probably covered up with work but hoping he didn’t get completely buried!

Pops, there is just not a big enough THANK YOU for our sausage balls this week.  This is actually why we have our league!

We had 5 shooters with perfect scores this week…..Vince, Marc, Bill, Jeff, & Jim

  Week 3  
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total 3 Week Total
Vince 250 250 500 1500
Marc 250 250 500 1500
Bill 250 250 500 1460
Jeff 250 250 500 1460
Clark 240 250 490 1450
Paul 240 230 470 1440
Russ 240 240 480 1430
Dickie 240 240 480 1430
Jim 250 250 500 1420
Mike 250 220 470 1410
Ben 250 220 470 1400
Char 230 250 480 1390
Al 230 220 450 1380
Michele 230 230 460 1380
Andy 240 230 470 1380
Pops 230 220 450 1360
Ray 230 240 470 1360
James 230 240 470 1360
Skydaver 210 240 450 1340
John 230 250 480 1340
Trevor 190 250 440 1320
Jill 230 210 440 1290
Kyle 210 220 430 1250
Roberta 220 170 390 1220
Bruce 190 140 330 1140
Cathy 190 200 390 1140
Grace 180 150 330 1120
Tim 0 0 0 970
Cody 0 0 0 960
Aaron 0 0 0 940
Jeannie 150 120 270 780
Mitchel 0 0 0 760
Kit Kat 160 80 240 580
Joey 180 90 270 490
Hippie 0 0 0 310
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