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Tom won our steel plate challenge last night!  He’s just a great shooter, no two ways about it.  Event after event, year after year, he makes it to the finals somewhere.  Congratulations!

Shooting his revolver in another event, Cody made it to the championship round. It was Tom who put Cody in the loser’s bracket to begin with and Cody had to defeat 4 opponents to get back to the finals.  Tom just wasn’t losing this time! 

1st Place – Tom

2nd Place – Cody

3rd Place – Mike C.

4th Place – Vince

Actually, the first exciting match of the night was between Kathryn and Richard!  After multiple mag changes, and “almost wins” she fell to Richard’s good shooting.

This was Vince’s first steel plate challenge and in usual fashion figured out a way to make it to the final four!!

Andy may have had a little more success shooting his revolver if he weren’t busy pranking everyone all night:) :) :)

Pops, Bill, and James may not have taken out many opponents but their always present laughter and sportsmanship was SOOO appreciated and makes for an enjoyable night for all of us!!!!

It was really good to have Nick, Mike B. & Mike C. out tonight!

Please join us next time for an exciting night, even if you just want to watch:)

Tom and Cody always having fun!

Tom, so hard to beat!

These are some of our favorite folks!!

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