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Welcome back League Shooters!  Hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer and looking forward to a cooler range for shooting.  A special welcome to our first time league shooter…Cameron, who scores came in strong.

Some of the elements that Richard considers and tries to incorporate into each league are developing NEW skills, reinforcing fundamentals, and at the same time creating an environment in which ALL shooters have fun!

Double-taps, time elements, off-hand shooting, and reloads are just a few of the challenges that our shooters will experience during this fall league.  Richard said that these skills will be useful on Week 8, when a surprise is planned for everyone!!!!!!

  Week 1
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total
Marc 249 250 499
Vince 247 250 497
Cameron 243 250 493
Tim 239 250 489
Andy 246 240 486
Kathryn 241 240 481
Jim 240 240 480
James 237 240 477
Cody 246 230 476
Ben 243 230 473
Jon 218 240 458
Char 227 230 457
Paul 223 230 453
Cathy 214 230 444
Bruce 217 180 397
Trevor 196 190 386
Pops 201 180 381
Ray 211 120 331
Joey 206 120 326
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