Home > News > League Results – Week 4

After throwing 3 shots out, one of our shooters (not mentioning any names but his initials are Tim S.) drew a line to each one with a smiley face and wrote, “Somebody else shot my target!” 

Perfect 2-Target scores this week by Vince & Kathryn. Kathryn inched ahead of her brother, Andy.  Jeff is trying his best to step into the leader spot with some great scores of his own.  Hippie and Jim both shot their personal best this week. 

Talking about consistent, Marc has scored “499” every single week!  

  Week 3 Week 4  
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total Target 1 Target 2 Total 4 Week Total
Marc 249 250 499 249 250 499 1996
Vince 250 250 500 250 250 500 1992
Jeff 239 250 489 247 250 497 1976
Kathryn 246 250 496 250 250 500 1943
Andy 248 250 498 240 230 470 1939
James 238 240 478 247 240 487 1930
Jim 236 240 476 248 250 498 1928
Tim 246 250 496 215 250 465 1873
Jon 214 240 454 236 210 446 1821
Al 227 240 467 225 230 455 1793
Pops 238 230 468 200 230 430 1726
Trevor 241 210 451 235 220 455 1701
Paul 236 190 426 218 190 408 1656
Cathy 199 200 399 196 210 406 1638
Bruce 217 210 427 226 180 406 1630
Grace 228 240 468 209 200 409 1568
Cameron 249 250 499     0 1482
Aaron 230 240 470 241 230 471 1419
Jane 225 110 335 235 170 405 1416
Ben C 244 240 484     0 1409
Char 0 0 0 238 250 488 1400
Joey 184 170 354 212 160 372 1351
Hippie 178 190 368 235 240 475 1302
Irishman 222 220 442     0 1157
Emma 89 100 189 127 120 247 1027
Ben R 0 0 0 247 240 487 946
Jill 0 0 0 224 240 464 833
Mark 211 210 421 191 200 391 812
Dianne 157 130 287 136 140 276 563
Ray E 0 0 0     0 313
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