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Welcome to our new shooters, Kat Attack (well, not new to us), Marty, and Lauren.  Lauren shot two makeups and moved herself right into 7th place! Once Marty gets another makeup shot, he’s sure to move up in the rankings.

Our top 4 places all shot 2 target perfect scores AGAIN.  

Cathy not only shot her personal best dropping only 10 pts this week but outshot her family; congratulations Cathy!

Sooo glad Pops & Ma are back but we are still missing Paul. 

Besides the camaraderie, our members participate in the league for a number of reasons, including Jon, who is working on his marksmanship with multiple guns.

  Week 2 Week 3  
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total Target 1 Target 2 Total 3 Week Total
Cameron 250 250 500 250 250 500 1498
Vince 250 250 500 250 250 500 1490
Marc 250 250 500 250 250 500 1490
Kathryn 250 250 500 250 250 500 1469
Kevin 250 240 490 250 230 480 1418
James 248 210 458 240 220 460 1384
Lauren 247 200 447 240 220 460 1363
Trevor 240 230 470 240 180 420 1360
Jeremy 215 220 435 236 240 476 1346
Jim 238 220 458 238 210 448 1333
Clark 230 190 420 238 240 478 1320
Roy 228 240 468 248 230 478 1292
Char 229 200 429 213 210 423 1268
Al 218 190 408 185 210 395 1262
Charlie M 234 170 404 246 190 436 1254
Hippie 229 210 439 249 200 449 1252
Andy 228 200 428 250 200 450 1237
Cathy 199 160 359 250 240 490 1185
Jon 198 150 348 248 220 468 1163
Dan 207 180 387 238 180 418 1154
Irishman 225 160 385 228 170 398 1129
Bruce 234 140 374 215 90 305 1052
Jane 180 110 290 240 120 360 1043
Ray 247 100 347 222 170 392 1035
David 214 190 404 175 140 315 995
Grace 207 140 347 184 110 294 991
Tim 218 240 458 0 0 0 948
Jeff 230 230 460 0 0 0 930
Marty 218 220 438 225 250 475 913
Ben 248 200 448 0 0 0 845
Charlie H 206 100 306 215 60 275 836
Joey 188 150 338 166 50 216 822
Pops 199 180 379 224 160 384 763
Yvonne 154 120 274 164 70 234 711
Su 157 80 237 135 70 205 681
Jill 212 170 382 0 0 0 660
Kelly 162 100 262 99 60 159 590
Carlton 175 80 255 0 0 0 497
Kat Attack 0 0 0 113 20 133 133
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