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Welcome Back to our League Shooters!!!  Quite grateful to see you all as, thankfully and hopefully, our lives continue to get back to some sort of normal.  We truly appreciate everyone’s understanding as we tried to be responsible during this past year.  

I know we are all shocked to see Marc & Vince shooting perfect 2-target scores right off the bat!  It doesn’t look like the year off hurt them but they weren’t the only good shooters….Jeff, Dan, Andy, & Roy only dropped a few points during week 1.  

Jane (Fondly known as GI Jane), may look like she’s bringing up the rear but we are ALWAYS impressed with her shooting ability and her drive to improve week over week.  

As always, this group is going to be a lot of fun.  We realize a few members of the league family weren’t able to be here Week 1 but we look forward to seeing you as soon as you are able.  If anyone would like to join in, just show up and we will help you get started.  

  Week 1
Shooter Target 1 Agent Orange Target 2 Kaleido-scope Total
Marc 250 250 500
Vince 250 250 500
Jeff 248 250 498
Dan 246 250 496
Andy 250 245 495
Roy 248 245 493
James 246 235 481
Kathryn 222 250 472
Clark 234 232 466
Marty 222 235 457
Pops 232 221 453
Jon 222 217 439
Char 232 203 435
Jane 200 206 406
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