Home > News > League Results – Final Week

Finishing in 1st and 2nd place, Vince and Jonathan both shot their THIRD set of perfect two-target scores (500)!   Wow, congratulations.

Each shooter expressed their appreciation for hosting the league and would like to start our next league in January.

Thank you to each and every shooter that participated.  Regardless of your shooting ability, you are the reason that we get to come to work each day. We are grateful for your commitment to ProShots and to our community.

Happy holidays and we look forward to seeing you in 2022.

Week 8
Shooter Target 1 Ballot Bot Target 2 Hexagon Total 8 Week Total
Vince 250 250 500 3937
Jonathan 250 250 500 3911
Marc 250 244 494 3866
Jim O. 219 244 463 3794
James 245 232 477 3784
Jeff 245 226 471 3771
Roy 250 239 489 3748
Kathryn 250 238 488 3735
Clark 236 242 478 3674
Dan 250 221 471 3662
Guy 247 237 484 3639
Ron 241 230 471 3568
Pops 245 232 477 3421
Dave 240 221 461 3400
Paul 231 219 450 3350
Rob 218 220 438 3341
Jane 170 169 339 3158
Char 175 226 401 3106
Bruce 155 211 366 2946
Brian 0 0 0 2644
Joey 139 159 298 2486
Heather 0 0 0 1094
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