Home > News > League Results – Week 7

Char brought golf balls and Marc wanted to shoot them in our next Golf Ball Shoot!  Date to be determined.

This was an exciting week as Vince had a 2-Target perfect score, tightening those top spots.  Jeff and Marc are separated by ONE POINT!  Kathryn continues to score well and stay in the running.  Jim shot his make-ups and moved up to the top third.

One week to go!

Week 7
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total 7 Week Total
Jonathan 245 250 495 3475
Vince 250 250 500 3451
Jeff 240 250 490 3443
Marc 244 250 494 3442
Kathryn 244 250 494 3421
Sam-I-Am 235 250 485 3342
Jim 240 240 480 3284
Bonnie 233 250 483 3249
Roy 226 240 466 3198
Pops 233 239 472 3145
Ron 241 250 491 3142
Char 191 235 426 3108
Jim W 215 237 452 3057
Josh 219 240 459 3014
John N 225 239 464 2891
James 0 2831
The Seed 219 176 395 2550
Brian 0 2352
Jane 154 171 325 2341
John K 0 2164
Joey 148 155 303 1767
Bill 0 1720
Donna 78 81 159 1289
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