Home > News > The League Has Started Back

Our League started back on Tuesday, September 19th.  We had 23 shooters and an outstanding time.  We had 4 first time league shooters as Jonathan encouraged his friends Meredith, Ethan, Greg, and Daniel to join us.

To no one’s surprise, Jonathan and Vince shot perfect 2-Target scores right off the bat!  The format is a little different and hopefully we will have a great time together.  One guarantee, there will be laughing for sure!

One note….shooters were accusing Jonathan of using  laser guided bullets:)

Week 1
Shooter Target 1 Target 2 Total
1 Vince 250 250 500
2 Jonathan 250 250 500
3 Mark 245 250 495
4 Marc 240 250 490
5 Sam-I-Am 245 245 490
6 Jim W 178 245 490
7 James S 236 250 486
8 Kathryn 230 250 480
9 Jeff 235 245 480
10 Zach 226 245 471
11 Greg 225 245 470
12 Jim O 183 245 428
13 Roy 193 235 428
14 Ben 196 230 426
15 Ethan 165 230 395
16 Keith 159 227 386
17 Fred 173 206 379
18 Bonnie 149 221 370
19 Ray 137 220 357
20 Pops 121 225 346
21 Daniel 102 230 332
22 Jill 97 200 297
23 Meredith 89 190 279
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