Home > News > League Results – Week 7
One of the really fun things about shooting in the league happens before and after the shots are fired in the range.  A gathering of the league members takes place, and interesting conversation happens.  Some of the topics discussed today included the following.  Bee keeping, and appropriate clothing to do so.  In a Navy trainer airplane what will happen if you let the plane spin more than the recommended amount.  How do you keep the car performing a PIT maneuver from spinning like the suspect’s car?  What is the OFITW motorcycle club?  And many other topics.
At least three different league shooters were heard urging customers who are not in the league to come have fun with us.  You can join the league anytime, and join in the fun.
James S. shot a personal best, just dropping just 1 pt. Daniel M. shot a perfect 2-Target score this week.  Once he makes up his missing week, he will be at the top and things could get interesting.  30 points separates the top 7 spots.  Great shooting by all.
Week 7
Shooter Target 1 X Count Target 2 X Count Target Total 7 Week  Target Total 7 Week         X-Count Total
1 Jonathan 244 23 250 20 494 3482 302
2 Marc L 250 23 248 14 498 3478 264
3 Jeff 247 21 250 14 497 3477 260
4 Vince 249 23 249 19 498 3468 246
5 James S 249 23 250 13 499 3466 238
6 Kathryn 249 24 250 12 499 3466 218
7 Mark Y 249 18 249 15 498 3456 222
8 Sam 246 22 249 11 495 3452 208
9 Zach 244 7 249 12 493 3408 175
10 Roy 238 19 247 12 485 3392 191
11 Jim O 243 19 249 13 492 3390 209
12 Guy 241 14 247 7 488 3362 140
13 Keith 228 11 249 14 477 3332 167
14 Dennis 229 11 247 13 476 3251 166
15 Pops 243 7 241 7 484 3231 101
16 Fred 245 14 243 7 488 3150 97
17 Alex 234 16 223 5 457 3129 113
18 Daniel M 250 20 250 12 500 2953 206
19 Casey 0 2951 211
20 Tom 0 2931 193
21 Joey 194 3 220 1 414 2909 53
22 Jane 213 5 198 2 411 2868 69
23 Jim W 0 2848 102
24 Dan A 0 2828 134
25 David 0 2658 69
26 Steve 150 4 228 2 378 2568 77
27 Richard 241 15 245 9 486 2525 66
28 Dickie 0 2382 130
29 John 2053 69
30 Ben 0 1281 34
31 Jill 0 1275 31
32 Ray 0 846 44
33 Wayne 0 462 6
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