Gun Safety: How to Safely Store Your Guns at Home

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You want to keep any guns you have in your house stored safely and securely, so they don’t get into the wrong hands. Although the “don’t touch” policy can help keep your kids away from any guns you have, this isn’t a foolproof strategy. Here are our top tips for storing guns safely in your home:

  • Lock your gun in a safe or storage cabinet. Do not keep the key in another location in your home – always keep this key on you.

Gun Safety: How to Safely Store Your Guns at Home

  • Always store your guns unloaded and securely locked. You should store them in a place that is out of sight and reach of small children.
  • If you store ammunition in your home along with your guns, keep this ammunition in a separate place. For example, if you keep your guns in a safe in your bedroom closet, keep your ammunition locked up in the garage. Never store your ammunition in a place susceptible to moisture and heat.
  • Keeping your guns under a bed, under your mattress, or in a bedroom drawer might make sense so you can access them easily, but this is asking for trouble. Always keep your guns locked up in your safe or another secure location, even when you think nothing will happen.

We want to make owning and using your guns an enjoyable experience. If you have any questions about how to store guns safely in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


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