Concealed Carry, Winston-Salem, NC

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You will receive some great benefits upon completion of the CCH course with us.

The State of North Carolina allows concealed carry of a handgun as long as the individual holds the proper permit. At ProShots, we can help you understand the laws and regulations surrounding concealed carry in North Carolina, as well as help you obtain your CCH permit in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Concealed Carry in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

At ProShots, you’ll not only receive expert instruction during your CCH class, but you will also get some great benefits upon completion of the course. When you successfully complete your concealed carry class, we will provide you with:

  • Free 1-month individual membership
  • $5 rentals
  • $10 off a basic pistol
  • $20 off a defensive pistol
  • $25 off one-on-one training

In order to provide the safest environment for everyone in the store, members will be held accountable for the safe behavior of their guests. Any unsafe behavior could result in the revocation of membership privileges.

It’s important to us that you not only are able to get the permit you need for concealed carry, but that you also find all of the resources you need to enjoy responsible gun ownership.

At ProShots, we offer a unique indoor shooting range experience because we allow rifles, shotguns and AK47s at our indoor range. You’ll also find our gun rental program is a great way to try new equipment before you make a purchase. We strive to provide the most comprehensive services so that you and your family can enjoy everything that gun ownership has to offer.

Contact us today for more information about our CCH classes and to register for a course today. You can also stop by to talk with our friendly staff and tour our facility. ProShots is your one-stop-shop for all of your gun needs! We’ll see you soon!

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At ProShots, we offer concealed carry classes to customers throughout North Carolina, including Winston-Salem, Rural Hall, Oak Crest, Walkertown, Tobaccoville, Pfafftown, Bethania, Greensboro, Lexington, Statesville, and Forsyth County.

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